Monday, December 22, 2008
Twice the joy..
Dear Raquel,
Without a doubt, the last few weeks of December is one of my favorite times of the year!
The end of a year and the cold winter season always serve to remind me to focus on what really matters in life. We worship God by celebrating the birth of Christ. We create lasting memories as we spend unforgettable moments with family and loved ones. We reflect on all that God has done in our lives over the past year. And we look forward to an even greater level of the promises of God in the year to come!
More than any other time, Christmas and New Year's are filled with hope, love, joy, peace and promise. There's a life lesson for us to learn in all of this. During the holiday season, challenges, difficulty and problems may still surround you, but if you will take a moment every day to focus on God and all the ways He's blessed you, you can take your life to a new level, higher than ever before.
Isaiah 61:7 promises that instead of shame and trouble, God will double the inheritance of His people and they'll be filled with everlasting joy.
This is God's promise to you: double for your trouble, or as I like to call it, TWICE the LIFE! A "double portion" of God's goodness, a "double portion" of His favor and wisdom on your life. That is our prayer for you in 2009.
It's time for you to trust God for the destiny that the enemy has tried so hard to convince you was impossible. It's time to believe God for the unimaginable. It's time to move beyond your past. If you've been hurt, it's time to forgive. If you've been discouraged, it's time to put on a garment of praise and experience the joy of the Lord. If you've been worried and afraid, it's time to have faith like never before in the provision and purposes of God. It's time to live with confidence that God wants to give you a blessed and prosperous future in every area of your life!
The power of God's promises and His love for you is so much stronger than the pain of your past. Victoria and I know this in our hearts. God wants you to use your troubles as a springboard into your future. Your troubles are what God often uses to take you to a new, higher level of living. This is what is so great about our God. He takes any trouble we have and says, "I will give you double the inheritance for your trouble." Twice the joy, twice the fulfillment, twice the impact . . . twice the life!"..........................................
The email is from Joel & Victoria Osteen ministries. I believe God has just used them to encourage me, to keep on moving on and be excited for the new year!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Living Under the Rain of God
When you are in a dry spell, decide to be like Elijah and continue to give God praise. The key to staying flourished and keeping vitality in our lives during dry times is to send up praise. By praising God at all times, what happens naturally with rain accumulating in a cloud will be the same spiritually in our lives. When you keep sending up praise, that cloud, like a rain cloud, can only hold so much before it releases and comes bursting down. It’s a cloud of God’s blessing raining down favor, keeping you protected, giving you good breaks, and making sure you are always in blossom.
When times grow difficult and thoughts of “It’s never going to change” come into your mind, that is when it’s time to switch over into praise and say, “Father, I want to thank You that You’re changing things in my favor.” Remember, God has promised to prosper us even in the desert!
Source : Joel Osteen Ministries (devotionals)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Jesus is still the reason for the season
JESUS is Better than Santa
Santa lives at the North Pole.
JESUS is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year
JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies
JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited
JESUS stands at your door and knocks.. and then enters your heart.
You have to stand in line to see Santa
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap
JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"
JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and
He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly
JESUS has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO
JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Santa says "You better not cry"
JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you".
Santa's little helpers make toys
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but
JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.
It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.
We need to put Christ back in Christmas.
Jesus is still the reason for the season.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Detox Your Mind
******************************************************************************** Today's Scripture
“Above all else guard your heart for it affects everything you do” (Proverbs 4:23).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
These days, we hear a lot about detoxing our physical bodies. Bacteria can build up. Pesticides and chemicals can get into our system. Experts recommend that you go through a deep cleansing periodically and stay away from what is harmful so you can rid yourself of these toxins.
In the same way, there are all kinds of toxins that can build up in our minds. When we go around dwelling on the wrong thoughts, thinking about what we can’t do, how somebody hurt us, or how we’ll never get ahead; those thoughts are toxic. And toxic thoughts left alone become like toxic waste. It gets into your heart, and eventually, contaminates your whole life. It affects your self-image, your attitude, and your level of confidence. That’s why the Bible tells us that we have to guard our hearts and minds above all else because if your mind gets polluted, your whole life is going to be polluted.
Make the decision today to go on a fast from negative, self-defeating thoughts. Cleanse your mind from what is harmful and fill yourself with thoughts of faith and victory. As you do, those good thoughts will strengthen and empower you to live the good life He has planned for you!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, I come to You today willing to let go of anything that would hold me back from Your great promises. I choose to guard my thoughts and fill my heart with Your Word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Do your best
so you need not worry as long as you did your best. It's been a week since I read that in one of my daily readings in 'our daily bread".
and I'm still meditating on it until now.
at this time where I do a lot of activities I know I needed that. I needed to trust the Lord even more.
As long as I DO MY BEST and TRUST GOD, I just have to leave the results in HIS MIGHTY HANDS.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Moving out of comfort zone
I know this new journey my hubby and I will be traversing will increase our faith and will let us see how God provides for His children.
The mission’s house has become our comfort zone and it shouldn’t. So we’re leaving our comfort zone to where God would allow us to soar high and hold on to His promises.
Help us pray for these please;
1) God’s direction
2) Wisdom to know His will
3) Provision
4) Humble hearts
And I hold on this verse from Mark 11:24
“Jesus said, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.”
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Establishing your priorities
Psalms 90:12 TLB
God’s priorities should be what we seek in life. I f we follow His plan, we’ll walk with proper balance in all our responsibilities. Establish what things are most important, then let everything else fall into its right place. I’ve found the following guidelines, in this order, to be helpful: time with God, time with husband, time with family, and time for ministry.
Wife and motherhood duties fall into order as we first submit our ways to God. Time with God is so vital. If we don’t have time with Him, we won’t be filled up to handle the day effectively. Spiritually speaking, we’ll run out of patience, joy, peace, and self –control; and we‘ll miss God’s leading in areas.
On the other hand, if we start our day with prayer and God’s word, we can put on the armor of God, our spirits will be filled with the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and our hearts will be sensitive to hear God’s voice speaking to us.
Take time to read and study God’s word every day, even if it’s only a few minutes. Don’t let the devil talk you out of it. Remember, you are in a spiritual battle and you need to keep your guard up. Your time with God is your source of strength in life.
“Set aside some time today to seek God, pray, and read His Word. Even if it is only fifteen minutes, any time you give God will help to fill you up, so you can effectively deal with the challenges of your day.”
Author : Sharon Daugherty
Make Your Day Count
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Surrender ALL to Jesus
I surrender all
All to thee
My blessed Savior
I surrender all
Offer it at the feet of JESUS and surrender everything to HIM.
You'll find peace you can never imagine you'll have in your whole life.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Don't get stressed out, stand still!
Exodus 14:13 KJV
Are you so overwhelmed by everything you need to accomplish that you feel as though you might crack? I understand what it’s like to be stressed. It’s difficult to find balance in our lives with our hectic schedules and multitude of responsibilities.
Fear is a major cause of stress, yet there are many places in the Bible where God tells us to “fear not”. When we “fear not,” we are able to step outside the realm of being panic stricken by circumstances. Then we are to “stand still.”
Have you ever tried to make sense to a person who is running around all stressed out? In contrast, if you will stand still and get into an atmosphere of faith, you will “see the salvation of the Lord.’
When I looked up this Scripture in the originals text, I found that it means, “One who comes from outside to bring help.” When you’re in the middle of a stressful situation, the problems are often all you can see. Of course, if you were in the middle of a fire, the situation would look really bad to you. But if you were outside the fire, you would be able to handle it more rationally. God deals with your circumstances from outside the stress, so step outside with Him. He has the solution you need.
“Make a conscious effort to “step out of” your circumstances today. Stand still with God outside those circumstances, and watch as He saves the day.
Author : Lindsay Roberts from Make your day count
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Lamentatons 3:22-23
For more beautiful sky photos. click here.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Our December Schedule
• December 05, FRIDAY - Concert Day
• December 12, FRIDAY
- Office Christmas Party
- Appreciation night for the Volunteer workers in our church
• December 13, SATURDAY – Children of Hope Christmas Party
• December 14, SUNDAY – Young Professional’s (my group) Costume Christmas Party
• December 19, FRIDAY – Our special one night Christmas service
• December 21, SUNDAY – Church Christmas Party
Looks like I’ll be very very busy this coming month.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Your Unfailing Love
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Blessed to be a BLESSING
Friday, October 24, 2008
Updates on our fundraising concert
I don't know what to expect this weekend, Hubby will go to Laguna for the ALS test. I have second thoughts of joining them because I have lots of ministry works to do. We were scheduled to distribute tickets for the concert this Sunday as well as the posters but we haven't finished even the lay out yet.
I was basically on the phone the whole afternoon making follow ups in the venue, and then the Mayors Permit and then to the treasury department of the Pasay City Hall. I was like overwhelmed with the huge task of organizing this concert. Good thing I was motivated of the needs of the beneficiaries of this event and I'm sure they will be very happy when they received this just in time for Christmas.
I'll be posting updates for the concert from time to time and if you feel like you want to help, you can contact me through the comment section. The ticket for the concert is only 150.00. If you think of it, it's only one happy meal or one budget meal from Jollibee or Mcdonalds. It won't be easy to give up on that for once and give the amount to the less fortunate kids right?
Oh well, this has been a long post. If you guys want to know what ministry we were working with you may visit the International Teams Philippines website and click on the Ministries and then click Fishnets under Urban Poor ministries. OR just follow this link;
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Another Christian concert in Araneta!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Prayer Requests
1. Our fund raising concert - pls. pray for the needs, the venue, the people that will work on this event, the band, the guest singer, the financial provision and please pray also for God's presence and leading about this concert.
2. Please pray for our passports. We will apply probably first week of next month. Pray that every documents we prepared are sufficient. Please pray for the provision too.
3. In regards to our passport - because we will be needing it come February, we want to attend the Regional conference in Macau and have our very first mission exposure outside the country.
Thank you and may the Lord bless you all and keep you.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A melody from heaven
That will lead them closer to God
That will make them realize they need God
That will make them feel the very presence of God
That will make their hearts worship the Lord

The LJBC Music Ministry Dream

Friday, October 3, 2008
Praisin' Kids TOWN-Mini Carnival
the basketball-even the girls loved it!
*All the game booths are DIY, made with recycled stuff
* 222 kids went home that day happy
* we started to plan with no funds at all
* At the end of the day, we still have more than a thousand peso excess from that activity.
I know there is still room for improvement so next time we will try to make it even more fun for the kids!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Ministry Updates
There will be a big event for the kids on Saturday, 27th of September. We call it "Praisin Kid's Town" (mini carnival). As early as now the kids are excited to go because we told them there will be games and prizes and food for all of them. We really praise God for the provision, we started with zero funds but God moved people's hearts to bless the kids and this ministry. Some of my office mates donated crayons, pencils, coloring pens and coloring books for the arts and craft section. But right now we are still praying for some more funds I think we still need a few thousand pesos but we trust GOD that come Saturday this will be met.
The number of kids who will attend as of today is now at 225 and I'm sure there will be more so we are preparing for 300 kids from all of our 6 areas. We pray for more volunteers also to come as you all know it wouldn't be easy having 300 kids around.
We are excited for a new fund raising concert for the FISHNETS and ARMS OF LOVE ministry, we named the event "HAWAK MO, KINABUKASAN KO" (You hold my future) this will happen on November 21, proceeds will go to gift giving funds just in time for Christmas. It will be a 3 hour concert with special participation of the kids themselves, an interpretative dance from the singles group and a mime number from the youth. Ticket price is at 150.00 but it comes with a limited edition of thermal mug.
I thank God for using more and more people to bless those less fortunate kids we are helping. I thank God for their heart, they really have the compassion for the kids more especially for the poor.
Thank God for Pastor Jonie who was recently appointed to handle the music ministry. It feels good to have him during our practice, encouraging us and boosting the morale of the group.
Please help us pray for people who will support this ministry, we have been running out of funds but that won't stop us in helping these people finish their school and give them at least a chance of a good life here on earth.
Last Sunday, we made or can I say I? :) leche flan and the scholars sold them at the church right after the service, It was kinda hard because it was my first time to do that, well I thought I could cook it as easy as that because I often help Mom when she does that but I failed, I was awake till 3 in the morning and I only made 10 pieces and had 200.00 profit from it. Hubby said the effort and the time does not worth it. I agreed with him. Here is a picture of the finished product which I taste tested.
I'm thinking of another "good food" to sell next Sunday.
We are also looking for at least 50 people who can give/support at least 20.00 a week. That would be sufficient to meet the needs of this ministry. So far we have two regular supporters and we need to challenge more.
Last week, our scholars gave me their report cards to and I must say I'm impressed, I know now that they are doing good in school, that they are studying very well. It is one good and valid reason not to stop helping them.
Below are pictures of our present scholars. Will write profile of them here soon.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The power of prayer

So I really do not know how to start because even how big or how small the answered prayer was it still touched my heart in so many different ways.
Seeing my parents happy and healthy- that’s a prayer answered.
Being healed from any sickness – that’s a prayer answered
Needs being met-that’s a prayer answered
And I can go on and on and on.
Prayer is not something I do when I need something from God. Prayer is not only asking and pleading. It is how I communicate with my Lord, it can only be a whisper in the morning as I wake up or it can be words being said to HIM during and in between office hours.
I know I don’t need to kneel long hours to say a prayer nor a thousand words.
I just talk to HIM and talking to HIM makes all the difference in my life.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Children of HOPE
May the LORD bless them and may He use our ministry to change the lives of the parents of these kids and our prayer is that they will be able to get to know and have a personal relationship with the Lord through this ministry.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Our Friday night with Sonicflood
While waiting for the concert to start
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Thankful Thursday

My husband is the music ministry leader and he really has the gift of music, he leads us into worship every Sunday and other church gatherings, I joined the worship team when we got married not because he's my husband but because I know in my heart I do love to sing for the Lord. So I've been a back-up singer ever since and we both enjoy this. There were also low moments in the ministry like when some musicians left us but we know God meant it for good.
I love this ministry. God put this in my heart last January 2007 and I am so glad that we are now on our second year.Last year we had 3 highschool and one college student.Today, we support 5 students. All of them came from a poor family and all of them wants to finish school. I pray that God will use this ministry to help them and in return they'll be of help to their families too.It's like teaching them how to fish.
This is also a ministry that is very close to my heart, every Saturday, our church go to five slum areas and feed around 40 to 50 children per area, we also read to them bible stories, have games and some coloring. We also do hygiene day where we bring them to the center (church) and bathe them, feed them, cut their hairs for free and treat their wounds.At the end of the day we give them some hygiene products like toothbrush, toothpaste and the like. We also have daily Vacation Bible School during summer. Last July we had a quarterly birthday celebration for the kids and they enjoyed it so much. It pains to know that most of the kids never had a birthday celebration in their lives. This coming September we will be having a "Kid's Praisin town-ala school fair" , we want to treat the kids and we want them to feel special and loved.
Here are some old pictures, this was when we brought them to the park.

There are also some pictures here.
I am thankful that God has given us the privilege to serve HIM through all these ministries. I know most of the times I get tired but God is good. He has been so good to us and yes, He never left us, even when we feel we are walking through the dark valleys, I can feel God's presence with us in these ministries He has entrusted us.
I am thankful to everyone who support these ministries, our friends from UK, our churchmates, our church leaders, our pastor, and even people who do not know us at all but is supporting the ministry. Thank you so much from the bottom of our heart.
See some of the entries to Thankful Thursday here.
I wish I could write better though.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sonicflood in ARANETA!
And there's this big possibility of me and huuby getting a free entrance or a production pass!!! yay! I am so excited!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Soaking In The River
of God...
We went to Gateway mall last night after office to attend "soaking in the river" it's a 3 hour praise and worship hosted by River of God church. It's actually 3 hour alone with God. We worship, we praised and we rested in the Father's loving arms. It's another wonderful experience and I love it.
There will be another one on September 11, so for those of you who wants to come and have some time of refreshing,please join us at Mandarin Suites, Gateway mall Cubao, Quezon City from 7 to 10 PM.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Made to Worship
Why make a new blog?
I wanted a separate site for our ministries alone, for the worship team, for the Batang pag-asa, for the people we minister to like in the area where we are currently assigned right now, our missions and travel together.
I'll be posting lots of picture soon, even pictures from before.
I pray that this blog be an encouragement to everyone, a source of inspiration to serve the Lord and serve the poor as our worship to the one true God.