Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Jesus Festival 2010

Sharing some pictures from the non-stop praise and worship concert last night. It's my second time to attend such and as always you go home sleepless but blessed. The venue is an open park with green grass, good thing there are not so many rocks and stones or used golf balls scattered around and so we just laid out blankets on the grass for us to seat on. We brought also some food so it was like we are having a picnic in the park together with hundreds of worshipers. What an awesome night!our time slot was at 3:05 to 3:45 AM but was moved to 4:00 instead, at least we had time to pray and talked back stage, our musicians (and us back up singers) were nervous and that time gave us reason to ease away the nervousness.

that is right after the worship time..all Glory to the LORD!!

Thankful Thursday

I actually do not feel good today but that will not stop me from giving thanks and praises to our Lord.

I want to thank Him for His presence last night at the JESUS FESTIVAl (a non-stop praise and worship). Our slot time was originally 3:00 AM (this morning) but was moved to 4:00. We just did what we are supposed to do. WORSHIP HIM! and lead the people to WORSHIP HIM.

I thank Him also for providing for us, as you all know we just arrived from a mission trip and we have no money left but HE is so good. When you give time and money and your life to HIM..HE will take care of your every need.

I also want to thank the Lord for my family whom I misses so much ( maybe that's why I am feeling down sisters family went back to province to spent the holy week with my mom and dad and I so wanted to go but we can not afford it this time). But still..thank you Lord that you are taking good care of my family. We are not born rich but we are raised with so much love and affection for each and every member of our family.

Thank you also for the internet, where I can do research and read and read and read..will read about motorhome towing later, and because I have internet, this will also mean I have something to do to chase away the boredom for the next four days when everything is back to normal.

Thank you Lord for everything..amd this holy week I joined everyone in honoring you and thanking you for giving YOUR LIFE to us.

Thank you for the CROSS Jesus.