Monday, November 10, 2008

Don't get stressed out, stand still!

Fear ye not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.
Exodus 14:13 KJV

Are you so overwhelmed by everything you need to accomplish that you feel as though you might crack? I understand what it’s like to be stressed. It’s difficult to find balance in our lives with our hectic schedules and multitude of responsibilities.

Fear is a major cause of stress, yet there are many places in the Bible where God tells us to “fear not”. When we “fear not,” we are able to step outside the realm of being panic stricken by circumstances. Then we are to “stand still.”

Have you ever tried to make sense to a person who is running around all stressed out? In contrast, if you will stand still and get into an atmosphere of faith, you will “see the salvation of the Lord.’

When I looked up this Scripture in the originals text, I found that it means, “One who comes from outside to bring help.” When you’re in the middle of a stressful situation, the problems are often all you can see. Of course, if you were in the middle of a fire, the situation would look really bad to you. But if you were outside the fire, you would be able to handle it more rationally. God deals with your circumstances from outside the stress, so step outside with Him. He has the solution you need.

“Make a conscious effort to “step out of” your circumstances today. Stand still with God outside those circumstances, and watch as He saves the day.

Author : Lindsay Roberts from Make your day count