Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday -Ministries

It is always good to give thanks unto the Lord!

Today I am grateful for so many good things that are happening in Fishnets Ministry, I so remember this word from a Pastor " do not despise small beginnings" when we were just starting this ministry. We have no funds  but we have dreams of sending the poor children to school and helping them finish college. We started to send one, and then two and now we have 5 college scholars!! And not only that we also have feeding progras for Urban poor children. We also are now providing basic health needs (check-up and lecturing about health) to the mothers. This Saturday we will be giving vitamins to them as it is now rainy season here and a lot of kids are getting sick.

We have given livelihood for two family  and they are both doing well now providing for their kids.

And just recently, the Lord has opened new doors for us to minister to special kids in a public school for special children and we are so amazed on how God is working out things for everything.

I am thankful for those who help us, supporting us financially to be able to do this ministry and to our prayer warriors who pray for us unceasingly.

Last week, the Lord brought here a couple and they saw our ministry areas and they gave out toys for the kids and gave also some financial support for the ministry. God is so good!!

I see that as we are expanding and more ministry are opening up, the need is also escalating, We need manpower and we need resources but we do not magnify the need, we magnify God-the source of everything.

Please keep on praying for us. God bless everyone!!

and please don't forget to visit Laurie for more TT entries.

Special Ministry

A new area for our feeding ministry has opened up and this one is going to be special. Why? Because we are going to minister to SPECIAL CHILDREN and their moms. I believe these children are truly special in the eyes of the Lord and to introduce HIM through bible stories and singing and playing is just great!

I am thankful this school for special kids has given us the chance to do this. The moms will have bible study every Thursday at 10:00 to 11:00 in the morning right there in the school premises while waiting for their kids to finish classes. Feeding day is yet to be schedule.

Also, we are repeating the Praising Kids town (mini-carnival) especially for them this November 20 and I know this is kind of different. We are told there are 137 kids and to have them all at the same time is a huge task. But nevertheless we are welcoming this new challenge and opportunity to serve God through these special children.

We only have 9 people in our team, we do have volunteers but we need more specially on big affair such as mini carnival. Don’t worry you need not wear funny clothes or apple bottoms or be a clown. If you have time and resources and you want to be part of this ministry, please don’t hesitate to inform us. 

Our contact number is : 556 4239 or 832 5142 to 43. Here’s our ministry website: