Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blessed be your name

"Blessed be your name
on the road marked
with suffering
Though there's pain
in the offering
Blessed be your name"

Shall we only praise God when we are happy? when our life is in "almost perfect" condition?
when we are blessed in abundance? when we are in the peak of our career? when we are healthy and strong?

The last month has been a testing of faith in me again in terms of finances and most of the time it's draining my physical and spiritual health. One morning..I asked  those questions to my self and I ended up praising God and singing songs for Him.

No matter what our situation is, it is best to praise and bless the Lord for He is faithful and He is good even if we are in a bad situation.

Tomorrow is Sunday and we are singing that song in the church, I pray that people will really worship the Lord with all their hearts and focus on His goodness. And with that.. I need to sleep early so I won't be late in church tomorrow. I'll just read the noxycut reviews now and hit the bed in a while.

Remember to REJOICE ALWAYS :) I still have loads of financial problem but  my God will supply all my needs so there is no reason not to praise and worship Him!!