Monday, December 5, 2011

Rich Thoughts For The Week

10. Some people say: "I'll believe it when I see it." God says: "When you believe it, you will see it."
9. Money allows you the opportunity to live your life the way you want whereas a lack of money forces you to live your life the way others want.
8. Your future is in front of you…unless you decide to live in the past.
7. Never allow your dreams to be reduced or eliminated by a lack of money.
6. Too many people complain about what they don't have. . .without ever creating a plan to get it.
5. “Will all your worries add a single moment to your life?” (Matt 6:27 TLB)
4. Renewing your thinking is an exchange of what you think with what He thinks.
3. Your success in life is frequently determined by who you listen to and the advice you act on.
2. Never let what your eyes see...determine what your heart believes or your hands find to do.
1. Stop reliving your setbacks because you're headed for a major comeback."

Rich Thoughts - H. Herring
Good thing, I am receiving mails like this, it helps a lot. Like this very moment that I am worrying (that's why I put emphasis on no. 5) -I was reminded that worrying will not add a single moment in my life. Now, I got to stop worrying and enjoy the gift of life :) and enjoy looking at the beautiful latex mattress from the internet just to sway away all the worries in my mind.

Anyways, I hope you get something from this kind of post too. Have a good day everyone!