Thursday, May 7, 2009

Office outing

Last month, hubby left me alone for 3 days for the youth camp, now it's my turn. I am leaving him alone only it's not for 3 days, just for the night, I'll be back tomorrow. I am going to our office outing, It has been 2 years since I last join an office outing , I did not have any plan of attending now but because my friend which I also recommended is administering the team building I am obliged to go.

So he's going to the ministry site (feeding) without me tomorrow and that's very rare. I am supposed to be the teacher, good thing someone will take over to teach while I am away.

We are actually leaving in a while, we are just waiting for the bus. Thank God I managed to sneak in and post while waiting. I'll also am going to check this organic weight loss pills that my friend is selling. She said it is good but I am still hesitant though it is pure organic. I still have to study and check it.

Bye for now and thanks for dropping by.

Thankful Thursday -Mother

Today, the thankful ladies are talking about Mothers, of course this is because it's mother's day on Sunday and It is but fitting to have one dedicated thankful topic for them. Thank you Lynn for hosting again this month.

I am not a mom yet as you all know, we are still praying and hoping for that. But I want to share with you how thankful I am for my mom, here in my side of the world we call her "NANAY".

NANAY is turning 70 this October and I'm hoping we can give her a beautiful birthday party,she never had parties before but since she is reaching 70 I think we should have a big celebration for that. After all..very few are blessed to have reach such age.

Being the youngest in the family, I had a hard time separating from my NANAY, I remember still sleeping besides them when I was already like 12 years old. And even when I was in college and I had to stay in a boarding house, I would often go home on weekdays because I just can't live apart from my parents.

She's so hardworking, she worked really hard to give us good life. She worked harder to send us to school. And even now at her old age, she take care of her grandchild and loved to help us.

She instilled in me moral values that I would also love to instill to my future children, My parents taught us to respect people,she taught us to love and support the family whatever situation we maybe into.

I hope I can be with her this sunday but even If I can't, I'm sure she knows how important she is to me and to my siblings. I used to give her cakes on Mothers day but this year I wish I could bring her somewhere, I would want to give her a vacation before maybe I can't afford an out of the country trip like an Outer Banks vacation right now (but I'm praying for that too and I know there is no impossible with our God) I wish I could bring her to the beautiful places in our country too. She love the beach, i remember we used to spend a summer outing as family when we were still kids.

I love you Nanay! and I miss you so much!

Picture taken during the renewal of their vows (5oth wedding anniversary)