Friday, June 8, 2012

Healthy Hat

Every rainy season, Fishnets is conducting seminars to parents mostly moms from  urban poor areas. The goal is to teach them and educate them about diseases that are common during rainy days and how to prevent them, alongside the seminar is a free medical check up, where we check their blood pressure and sugar and then we give them vitamins for their kids.

This is to at least help them avoid such diseases that cost them their much needed money. Urban poor people  can not afford medical insurance so for sure they spend money in medicines and hospitalization. I can't even afford it even if I work regularly, not even a cheap and a no medical exam life insurance. Though the government is providing free medical assistance through our health centers sometimes it is still not enough.

So this June or maybe next month, there will be Healthy hat seminars in our ministry area. Please pray that the mothers will really learn something from this and that they would benefit from it.

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