Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wearing True Religion on Your Back

When you think about religion, the first thing that comes to people’s minds is not usually clothing. But those up on the latest fashion trends and styles it might. That’s right, not only can you follow a true religion, but you can buy it and wear it too: True Religion Brand Jeans.

True Religion started as a small boutique store in Manhattan Beach, California, back in 2002, founded by Jeffery Lubell and Kym Gold. Their first line of clothing was just jeans. But these are not ordinary jeans you can get down at Walmart. True Religion jeans are focused on a very high-end market. Their jeans can cost anywhere from between $175 to more than $300. Most of their jeans are in the $200-$300 range.

True Religion Jeans are also not just plain pants. The reason they are attractive and fashionable is that they specialize in a type of western vintage look and feel for their jeans and other apparel. Of course, when they started, the company was only jeans, but as they have grown (they now have over 900 stores across the globe) they have branched out into t-shirts, hats, handbags, jackets, boots, accessories, and even kids clothing.

It might be disturbing for devoutly religious people to hear that you can now buy True Religion and wear it on your back, but all that commercialization may not be a bad thing. If you think about it, even if “True Religion” is a band name, it’s still a phrase that will be seen and heard as this clothing line grows and becomes more popular. And as people begin to discuss the brand, they may also begin to consider the meaning of the name. And the more they think about its true meaning, they’ll want to find out more about it. If more people are searching for true religion, that’s not a bad thing.

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