Thursday, March 20, 2014

God will provide

Trusting that God will provide for all the medicines that my Nanay need.

Today, we (my sister) brought her back to her doctor for the check up and she prescribed another two set of medicines for the brain -because she suffered most in the head at that motor vehicle accident.

To tell you honestly, it is not easy, seeing her so weak, seeing all the mediciness she has to take and thinking of ways how we can financially support her every need. I get tired sometimes but I drew strength from the Lord.

yes, my heart and my strength may fail..but GOD is the STRENGTH of my HEART- FOREVER.

And though the need is big as of this writing-I trust that we will be able to buy all those medicines. God will make a way and  miracles still do happen. 

This weekend, I will go home to take care of her and I trust that God will also provide for my bus fare. I'm sure He will. He never let us down and have always met our needs. My faith tells me that even our future needs have already been secured, our future house, our car, my husband's home studio and all the equipments including studio mixers maybe.

The GOD whom we serve owns the golds and silvers of this world and HE is able to bless us exceedingly and abundantly. Can you say Amen to that?

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