Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I'm coveting your prayers :) My dear husband will speak in a worship event "a night of worship" on Friday. Last week, it was our good friend Andrew who spoke and he did well, my husband is very used to leading worship but not to speaking or exhorting so God bless him. :) I'm actually is more nervous than him. I can feel butterflies in my tummy specially now that it's only 2 more days. I feel like I've taken lovegra.hehe! But I know I should not be worried right? I trust God to give him wisdom and anoint him as he speaks..

However, it will help me if you'd say you'll say a prayer for him :)

Thanks everyone and God bless!!


sexyjessie said...

The Lord shall anoint him with the oil of joy and blessings shall speak forth from his mouth IJN. Those who hear him the word of God shall bring to pass. Let every spirit be filled with God's word. IJN.

Rocks said...

thank you jessie! appreciate it so much :)